I'm sorry I don't have glamorous hair, perfect skin, the straightest teeth, or the best body. I'm sorry I don't doll myself up all the time and that I wear those baggy shirts around the house. I'm sorry that I like to eat junk food once in a while and I'm sorry that I'm not a fitness guru. I'm sorry I'm not like some of the other girls.
But the funniest thing of all, is that I'm not sorry at all.
why would you be sorry (and i get the joke part but just hypothetically)? cause society (massmedia) tells you to strive to perfection in these areas? would you wear a fish as a hat if everyone else did? would you feel sorry for not wearing it every schmunschday like all the others?
SvaraRaderatrying to be what you think others want you to be doesn't make you happy, being who you really truly are makes you happy.
I totally agree :)
SvaraRaderabut it doesn't even help if the ugly one doll herself up because it doesn't help her look better! :)))It's more important what you are except being fake is ugly!! Do you think you are pretty?
SvaraRaderaDon't know if I'm pretty but I like myself the way I am. And maybe you or someone else think I'm fake but that's your/their opinion (and u have a right to have one) but as long as I'm pleased with myself it doesn't really matter what other people say. Of course it affects me in some way but I won't be sitting at home crying just because someone judged me. I can't please everyone, no one can.